
Yes. That’s right. In fact, correct. We NEED decorations.

Let me explain.

I think for mental, emotional and even spiritual strength, therapy, reminders and growth we need that part of art that we define as “decoration” or “decorative”. Why?

Even in time of war, famine, what seem insurmountable odds and suffering the ray of light, the bit of inspiration, even the grace to think and feel something other than struggle and loss, fear or uncertainty can and is regularly and truly assuaged via artworks, art-making and crafting. Indeed so!

I came to believe years ago that makeup, hair dye, facial hair and changing it (beards, goatees, etc.) various hairstyles, tattoos and of course wide ranges of clothing, various jewelry or things like wrist, ankle, neckbands, nail polish and the rest -mind you, all decorations… do help people to feel better.

They are not salvation, they do not literally heal people and yet there is the ongoing reality that God in my life -is- the Creator Who endows me and all reading this with creativity. If you honestly think such is -only- for sake of evangelizing I’d say you’re narrow and mistaken. If you think decorating is idolatry I’d again say you are sorely mistaken.

The power and picture of what God created from the Book of Genesis on is, like His commands on how Israel was to create the Holy of Holies -incredible beauty, brilliant art!

Dig out Francis Schaeffer’s commentaries on Art and the Bible and you’ll begin to understand why I make such statements as in this blog post.

Materialism and the pride/insecurity factor are of course always present. Consumption, the ever-more-more-more of anything other than deeper love for God and neighbor can be and for some or in some seasons is an addiction. Yet and still decoration brings one into a different way of thinking, helps to set a mood, the atmosphere of a group, room or church. It cannot nor will it ever take the place of the Living God or human companionship, again, that’s rather obvious.

Friend Timothy Bott’s brilliant calligraphy is fully laced with God’s Word and sometimes small bits of commentary -and it’s BEAUTIFUL and decorative. I am pleased to have one of his works on my office wall.

Believe me, you’d rather see his than my simple pen or pencil written verses that adorn my office and office bathroom! It’s still the Word of the Lord and yet his work is far more inviting and even penetrating.

He isn’t even aware I’m including this link but -for example:

As we approach another Christmas (as I write in 2023) the day after our American Thanksgiving holiday my wife and I began decorating for Christmas. The living room, our door and tomorrow a bit more in our main room. We love the cheerfulness and reminders of light, color, joy, gift-giving and of course Jesus most of all. The decorations on the first floor of our community is extra amazing this year with lights, tree, ornaments and creche.

A grandson is wishing for a new bass guitar -and of course has his views on the best color and finish options. All of this includes a sense of decoration.

So I encourage you my fellow creators -decorate! Imagine. Play with shapes, colors, lights, spaces and find a bit of joy and release in a world in such need of these -including your and my immediate world 🙂


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